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MPM, as a comprehensive service company, offers its clients the possibility of hiring a pool lifeguard in Madrid from our specialized team.

MPM will put at the service of the pool of your development, sports center, club, hotel... a uniformed pool lifeguard, qualified and registered in the registry of lifeguards of the Community of Madrid, in the opening and closing time slot of the facility, which is established by mutual agreement with the client.

The lifeguards will have the following functions:

  • Obey the prohibitions and requirements established by the law on the regulation of public swimming pools.
  • Ensure that the sports and/or recreational practice carried out in said facility is carried out in the most appropriate conditions and manners. safe and appropriate, respecting the regulations for pool use determined by the client.
  • Ensure the care of the pool material delivered at the beginning of the season and all the tools necessary for the correct functioning of the service. , (floats, rescue perches, first aid kit, bottom cleaner...)
  • Carry out daily control of the sanitary quality of the water, carrying out the corresponding analyzes during the hours of greatest concentration of the public, with annotation in the Book of Official Registry.
  • Periodically review the state of the pool to detect possible irregularities in its operation.
  • Attend to all concerns that users may raise to improve the service.


Our Lifeguards!

At Madrid Pool Maintenance, in order to give our clients a comprehensive service for their pools, we have managed to have a team oflifeguardscertified professionals, for prevention, surveillance, administration of materials, administrative control and control of safety and hygiene standards, and without a doubt, mainly help and assist in the event of an accident, although we do everything to prevent them from happening, accidents are the order of the day, and it is necessary to have an expert in the matter to help with the necessary attention to be able to provide excellent service to the patients. users of thepool and garden area.

The Lifeguard, a core worker in the pool area...

Users of swimming pools and their common areas are often not aware of the importance of compliance with the rules mandatory for the use of the facilities and many times they commit irresponsible acts in which their own lives and/or the well-being of a third party can be compromised, and that is why it is so important to have a pool lifeguard.| ||167

Los usuarios de piscinas todavía creen que los socorristas disfrutan de un trabajo poco estresante, y nada más lejos de ello, ya que la vida, la salud y el bienestar de los usuarios, depende de los socorristas. Los socorristas de Madrid Pool Maintenance are primarily responsible for everything that happens in the bathing area and its surroundings. Fortunately, many times, the work of our pool lifeguard in Madrid concludes without having carried out any rescue, but regardless of the apparent tranquility and good behavior that pool users may have, the lifeguards|| |171 siempre deben permanecer alerta y estar preparados para lo peor.

Lifeguards are the eternal watchers of the well-being and life of pool users. Lifeguards provide a mandatory service in swimming pools for community use and sports centers. of the most sought after and frequented alternatives for fun and sports, which is why it is so important not only to

Las piscinas son cada vez más frecuentes durante las temporadas altas, actualmente son de las alternativas más buscadas y frecuentadas para la diversión y el deporte, es por ello que es tan importante no solo el maintenance and repairs to avoid accidents, but they must be one or more lifeguards, who monitor, manage and are the internal authority to prevent accidents or provide assistance in the event of an incident. At MPM we will assign you an experienced and certified pool lifeguard in Madrid who will fulfill his/her duties 100%.

Do you think it is important to hire one or more lifeguards for your pool business?

Hiring a lifeguard service cannot be postponed, and must be done immediately together with the start-up of the pool.

Do things well and without risks!