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Pool Maintenance Technician

When we talk about pool maintenance technicians, we refer to technicians who carry out comprehensive pool maintenance professionally, who have an official qualification that enables them to be able to perform this function. We make this observation because although pool maintenance is generally considered an easy task to perform, it requires supervision and execution by expert specialists. Although it may seem incredible, there are people who dedicate themselves to it who do not have any training in subjects as important as: knowledge of chemistry (for handling the products and adding the appropriate doses), maintenance of the installation (electromechanical knowledge, hydraulic circuit operation, electricity, plumbing...) and the prevention of risks in the workplace.

Entrusting the comprehensive maintenance of the pool to an inexperienced person or person without formal training or official qualifications is assuming risks. unnecessary and can cause serious health problems for bathers, as well as damage or breakdown to the installation.

FromMPM we always recommend hiring professionals certified, since we consider that pool maintenance technicians are an indispensable resource for the safety and confidence of the users of the facility, and even more so if these users are mainly small children or people who may suffer from some type of allergies or illnesses. of the skin.

A certified pool maintenance technician, such as those availableMPM knows perfectly well how a pool works and is trained to be able to solve any type of breakdown that could alter the correct functioning of the installation, whether at the level of equipment, or water treatment and imbalance. In addition, he knows and has the safety measures needed to carry out maintenance on a pool, regardless of its characteristics (size, type of filtration, indoor/outdoor...).

When it comes to needing to carry out maintenance of a swimming pool to keep both the water and the installation in an optimal state of use and operation, it is necessary to contact a company that offers the confidence and guarantee that pool maintenance technicians are trained, have their official qualifications and They also have an emergency technical service with 24-hour attention.


MPM will put at the service of your pool urbanization, sports center, club, hotel... a uniformed pool lifeguard, qualified and registered in the registry of lifeguards of the Community of Madrid, during the opening and closing time slots of the facility, which is established by mutual agreement with the client.

Lifeguards will have the following functions:

  • Obey the prohibitions and requirements established by the law on swimming pool regulations. public.
  • Ensure that the sports and/or recreational practice carried out in said facility is carried out in the safest and most appropriate conditions and ways, respecting the regulations for pool use determined by the client.|| |
  • Ensure the care of the pool material that is delivered at the beginning of the season and all the tools necessary for the correct functioning of the service, (floats, rescue hangers, first aid kit, pool cleaners...)
  • Llevar el control diario de la calidad sanitaria del agua realizando los correspondientes análisis en las horas de mayor concentración de público, con anotación en el Libro de Registro Oficial.
  • Periodically review the state of the pool to detect possible irregularities in its operation.
  • Attend to all concerns that users may raise to improve the service.


MPM is aware of the importance that caring for the gardens has for clients, which is why it is concerned with keeping them in perfect condition, both from an aesthetic and ornamental point of view. has the human resources, vehicles, machinery and tools necessary to carry out all these tasks.

The Gardeners team is made up of different professionals trained to carry out brush clearing, training pruning, rejuvenation and height and phytosanitary control.

At the head of the team of gardeners is an Agricultural Technician with vast experience in gardening, who directs and organizes the work. Their work is not limited to that of a mere advisor, but they must periodically visit the facilities.


This profile of technical personnel is responsible for cleaning and maintenance of common facilities. To do this, they receive training fromMPM in the use of specific equipment and products for each type of cleaning required and respect for the rules of use.

The cleaning staff carries out their duties following the work plan established byMPM, although this is the result of the experience of our team of experts, it is always we study and plan together with the client.

Maintenance Personnel

The personnel availableMPM To carry out Preventive and/or Corrective Maintenance of the facilities, it is very extensive.

We have 1st Officers (plumbers, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians...) trained to carry out all types of repairs and renovation works in the facilities of your home, community, sports center...

Technical Architect

We have a qualified Technician for the drafting of construction projects works and follow-up service in repairs, rehabilitations and reforms. Drafting of ITE (technical building inspections) and Certification of energy efficiency of homes and buildings. Technical reports on damage and expert reports.