These are our 5 reasons for success. Ask us about your questions and needs. Experience supports us, we make customized budgets.

  1. Comprehensive Maintenance Service, a single interlocutor for the Maintenance. of Pool and SOS, Gardening and Cleaning, which means direct communication, immediate resolution of possible breakdowns, conflicts and/or problems, reducing costs and customer waiting time.
  2. Equipo multidisciplinar de técnicos titulados.
  3. 24-hour technical assistance. 365 days a year, with an emergency telephone number that is a national landline 91 539 79 26 and free calls free if you access from our website by completing the call form.
  4. Commitmentrepair breakdowns in 48 hours. this is ours Satisfaction Guaranteed Commitment (CSG), if we do not meet this deadline we DO NOT charge. This is included in a clause within the contract we signed.
  5. All our lifeguards are qualified and registered in the CAM registry and registered in the general regime of the S.S.